Bert Casal
April 27, 2022    |    

Responsible Watchmaking

Panerai’s efforts to promote sustainable practices.

Plants and trees use carbon dioxide and light to produce the sugars they need to grow. The byproduct of this process is oxygen, which we humans breathe in to stay alive. Our “byproduct” is carbon dioxide. It is a circle that, if not significantly altered, can go on for as far as our imagination can take us.

But for generations, humans have been cutting down trees for lumber or to give way to concrete structures. Plants have been uprooted to make way for man-made structures that only benefit homo sapiens. Factories and manufacturing plants contribute to the rising levels of CO2 emissions. But the living entities that actually benefit from it are dwindling.

Too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can cause problems to humans. Some of the effects include headaches, dizziness, difficulty breathing, tiredness, and an increase in heart rate, to name a few. For our environment, the effect of too much CO2 in the atmosphere creates an overabundance of greenhouse gases that trap additional heat. This trapped heat leads to the melting of the ice caps, leading to rising ocean levels which, in turn, can lead to flooding.


Recognising this danger, Panerai extends its efforts to promote more sustainable practices, both in its internal operations and through external outreach and educational initiatives. The building that houses Panerai operations sets the tone for the environmentally conscious practices within. It is a modern building that adheres to rigorous standards aiming at reducing carbon dioxide emissions to zero by implementing several recycling processes and the intelligent use of renewable resources like the reuse of rainwater (saving them 225,000 litres a year) and 100% hydroelectricity to power the manufacturing process. They also recycle the energy produced by their air compression machines to provide them with energy to heat water. They installed solar panels for their heating systems, saving them around 65,000 liters of fuel a year.

Panerai also joined the Watches & Jewellry Initiative 2030, a project launched by Cartier and Kering in cooperation with the Responsible Jewellry Council to develop shared sustainability objectives for global watch and jewellery brands. Members of the initiative commit to decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, keeping their reductions consistent with he 1.5°C pathway by 2030 and achieving Net Zero by 2050.

In 2021, Panerai introduced eLAB-ID™, a concept watch pushing the limits of recyclability in the industry. They shared this information concerting its suppliers and collaborators, recognising that the entire watch industry must have access to the same materials to broaden opportunities for sustainable watchmaking.

“As a company, we have the responsibility to be active and support the urgent need for change and help protecting our planet, empowering everyone to take direct action to take care of it. The more we can work together, the better,” states CEO Jean-Marc Pontroué.